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A few beer ago AB : the last shanty / A bar song / All about a woman / Désirable / La chapelloise / Cricri / Angels / Baby belle / Footloose / I got a problem ez / Tush push / Down in mia


Heart / Made in mexico / Good to be / Home coming / Never drinking again (révision) / Easy way / Mildmay / Highs & lows / Heads or tails / ET / Better than that / Hold on to me


Tippin' it up(révision) : No can do : Redneck girl / Lost (révision) / Western show (révision) / Magic moment / Sin city lights / Trouble / Hills of Connemara / Austin / A rattlesnake kiss / See you later / Heel toe rodeo / Endless(révision) / Beer can


Feelin4 country / God &country (révision) / Built a fire(révision) / Still gone / Fresh love (révision) / West and wild / Goodnight / This ol' rodeo /Liquor talking / Delicious / Next


Sounds like something i'd do / One (révision) / Buy a boy a baseball (révision) / Right girl wrong time / Lonestar Green spark / For the wind / Long way home / Trouble / Brunch / Wonder(révision)


Country girl shake / Celtic CT / Amber / The break / The gambler / Bosa nova / God blessed Texas / Footloose


Ah-si / Bad habit ab / Go cat go / Doin-dirt / We can't wait / Mis deseos / Mamma maria / Ab the door

Les danses marquées révision sont dans l'onglet chorégraphies


Danses de l'an dernier


Honky tonk highway / Crazy legs AB / How good is / La chapelloise / When will I be loved / Big truck   /Easy dance / Boys in boots / Lucky lips / Intoxicating / Empty bottles / Celtic step / Another country / Nangilima ez / Shakin'mix / Call it a day / Crossfire


Me to me / Sugar daddy / Hold on to me / Hitch a ride / Holiday party (révision) / Sweet & Texas / Hose water / Hurtin' on it / Adios cowboy / Stronger beer / Boys in boots / Never drinking again / Honky tonk slap / Working overtime / BBB / The road / Little burrito / Honky tonk minute / Good to be


Country heel : Up the creek (révision) / Road to Errogie / First meeting / Drinkaby (révision) / Cast the Bronze / Someone to you (mardi) / Dirt in my soul / Small town / White poppy / Jersey giant / If you (révision) / Last call /Northwest / New friends / Texas hold'em / The jester & the joker / Tippin'it up / honky tonk floor / Western show / Lost / See you later


Far from it / Farewell / Two rooms and a kitchen / Now I know / The wish / Around the fire / Fresh love / The tree / Straight line / Backroad nation / God & country / Build a fire


We grew up on / Wonder (révision) / Crystal cha (révision) / Yellowstone / Devil (révision) / Poker / 1.2.3 Whiskey / 21 Forever / Timeline / Somebody you love / Press rewind / Irish bowing / In walked you / Palomino / California / Ride on / One / Buy a boy a baseball


Country as can be / American kids / Cabo san lucas / Easy come easy go / Seminole Wind / Jambalaya / Just a girl / Coastin' / Wild stallion / Telepathy / Quarter after one / P3 / Wave on wave / Champagne promise / Doctor doctor

Date de création : 08/02/2015 @ 11:12
Dernière modification : 14/02/2025 @ 17:32
Catégorie : Danses enseignées

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